Sunday, January 07, 2007

A global warming of the heart (unbound to be) (helps cool the fires)

so necessary... proclaiming to no one but oneself... i really need... and i is a big 'we'... a spiritual ecology, vibrational ecology, a global approach...not just to the globe, but to global being, to being, globally... some ecological balance in this frayed jungle of thoughts, concerns, worries, realizations... some harmonizing of the urgent work both inside and out that all we double agents-of-change are bound to do -- at once inside and out-- undercover but overly uncovered-- one might say, exposed to the elements... here's to a-hopin' and a-prayin' that the great indoors --the vast heart of the human being-- recover its warmth in hopes that the great outdoors can start to cool off... it's all heat from war of the minds who have forgotten how cool and refreshing it is when it's quiet, in the great indoors, the central peace can erase all the edgy wars... it's the mind that's globally too hot, and the heart globally in need of warmth... it's from the overly-hot mind, all the heat from explosions, from the burning, from the external combustion of the ifs, ands and butt-headed egotists we are, hard-hatted and hard-heartedly delirious in our little cages of self-interest. banging on the bars like worn-out gongs from an unforged monastery-- if we hear nobody's listening then at least it's clear that the work begins at home... we can hear all music once the listener is united...
