Sunday, October 28, 2007

harmonic songlines: listening for the music of consciousness

Dear harmonic friends,

Greetings from East Hampton, New York. Just back from an amazing songline voyage to Esalen, where the group we had for the week of Harmonic Presence/Harmonic Chant teachings and practices had truly transcendent moments.

After a weekend of concerts in Los Angeles, we then visited Taos, New Mexcio, where I was born, and where we were able to spend delightful time with my 80-year old godmother from the Taos Pueblo, who told me "we gave you the privilege to sing."

We then drove north into Colorado's stupendous San Luis valley, with the sun setting above the San Juan mountains far to our left and the full moon rising above the Sangre de Cristo mountains to our right. The middle way...

Crestone is a nexus of extraordinary spiritual communities, including the American headquarters of outstanding Tibetan Buddhist lama Tsoknyi Rinpoché, whom we venerate, and whose Pundarika Foundation ( furthers his profound work. We were honored to meet with his principal team and to chant for and with them in the evening's luminous mountain light. We hope to offer a benefit concert for Pundarika next summer.

We were also honored to spend time at the Crestone Zen Center of Richard Baker Roshi, where the extraordinarily resonant dome may well house a summer 2008 Harmonic Presence retreat session that I very much look forward to.

And now here we are by the sea in East Hampton. For information about teachings and sessions in East Hampton this month, please write

We then return to our main center, Pommereau, near Paris, France, for a weekend retreat Nov 30-Dec 2, and then to Katmandu for a concert appearance on Dec 9th in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Rangjung Yeshe Institute (

The following weekend we'll be in Prague for a weekend of teachings and a concert.

Our foundation is preparing a number of collaborative projects for 2008 to further explore both traditional and contemporary approaches to the search for essential harmony in mind, body and spirit. Our work links mind, music, meditation and the medicine of deep harmonization.

We welcome your voice in the songlines of the journey.

With all best wishes,

Harmonic Presence Foundation
203 843 3524